Crown Industrial Introduces Hollow Metal Architectural Doors

Customized Hollow Metal Doors constructed to meet any application; sliding, slide-fold, swing or vertical lift.

MATERIALS: All materials used shall be the best of their respective kinds. Steel shall be stretcher-leveled, full pickled and soft annealed. All gauges shall be United States standard gauges.

FLUSH DOORS: Doors shall be constructed of nothing less than 16 Gauge (0.06″) steel skins, edges to be formed to the correct thickness of the door. The doors shall have internal bracing channels of no lighter than 18 gauge steel, placed at a maximum of 6″ centers, extending the full height of the door. Channel ribs shall be spot welded every four inches to both sheets vertically. Compressed insulating material of suitable size shall be inserted between the vertical channels extending full length.

FRAMES: Shall be constructed of nothing less than 14 Gauge (0.07″).
All breaks, arises, angles and curves shall be uniform, straight, sharply defined and true. The corners shall be mitered, accurately fitted, electrically welded, and ground smooth to produce an invisible joint.
Each door jamb shall have no less than 3 anchors each side. For anchorage at the bottom of the jamb, a bent plate clip of material as specified for the jamb shall be welded to the bottom of the frame and shall extend on the floor.

HARDWARE: Suitable sinkages shall be provided in doors and frames for all mortised or countersunk hardware, with steel reinforcements inserted for attaching hardware. Reinforcements shall be of ample thickness and length to stiffen the sheet metal against the strain of service required. Reinforcements provided for door checks and brackets. Where surface hardware occurs, the door and frame shall have interior reinforcing as required.

Available Products:

  • Security Doors & Frames
  • Fire Rated Doors & Frames
    • UL 3 Hr. Rating
    • UL 1-1/2 Hr. Rating
    • UL 3/4 Hr. Rating
    • UL 1-1/2 Hr. Rating Glass 100 Sq. Inch Max.
    • UL 3/4 Hr. Rating Glass 100 Sq. Inch Max.
    • UL 3/4 Hr. Rating Glass 1,296 Sq. Inch Max.
  • Blast Resistant Doors & Frames
  • Stainless Steel Doors & Frames
  • Arched Doors
  • Bullet Resistant Doors


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