Post: Enverid Systems Introduces: HVAC Load Reduction Module

HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR) module 1000E-M, an indoor air scrubber module designed to lower energy wastage from HVAC systems, reduces the amount of outside air needed for ventilation by 60-80 percent. This results in increased energy efficiency and annual energy savings of 20-30 percent with peak capacity reductions of 10-20 tons per HLR® 1000E-M module. The HLR® 1000E-M is fully compliant with ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) and the international mechanical code (IMC). The innovative design is a first-of-its-kind solution that safely removes all molecular contaminants, including carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde and a full range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor air





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